Imlie 10 June 2021 Spoiler -Aditya and Imlie get close

In the upcoming episode, we will see that Anu file a case against tripathi’s for torturing her daughter. Anu will say that they are responsible for Malini’s condition. Anu will call the police and will arrest them. Anu will blame tripathi’s that her son used her daughter for 7 years and now he will stay 7 years with Imlie.

Will Aditya save his family from the case?

Up till now

Aditya and Imlie get romantic. Aditya kisses Imlie’s shoulder, where Malini sees them together and get hurt. Malini goes outside and collide with Kunal. Kunal told her that he comes to meet Imlie for Satyakam case. Aditya and Imlie comes outside and ask to Malini that why she didn’t come inside. Kunal takes Malini’s side and said that he comes with Malini. Imlie doubts on her. Malini and Kunal fights with each other. Kunal drops Malini home ,where tripathi’s comes to know that they are taking divorce and get Shocked.

Stay connected with us for detailed written update.