Ghum hai kisikey pyaar mein written update 19 July 2021 Virat is jealous

At the beginning of the episode, Sai’s college friends come home. Sai thinks Virat invited them, but Ajinkya says Virat did not invite them. Sai thanks them for coming and Ajinkya says she is everyone’s favourite and they planned it in college only but she went home early. Bhavani says it is senseless to go to someone’s house so late. Sonali says how could boys come to a girl’s “sasural”. Sai’s friends ask her about her injury and she says she fell in excitement. Sai says her family does not mind their coming late.

Sai shows them the decoration and introduces them to the whole family. Virat is impatient but Ashwini tells them to sit and have some sweets. Bhavani says what will neighbours think that Sai’s friends came so late. They have brought another cake which has “Dr Sai Joshi” written on it, so Sai cuts that cake too. Sai gives the cake to Ajinkya and other friends. Virat watches it with envy and refuses to have the cake when Sai gives him. Ajinkya puts cake on Sai’s face and Sonali and Bhavani are shocked to see all that. Sai thanks them for coming. Bhavani asks Virat if Ajinkya is the same guy who danced with her. Virat says according to Sai he is her good friend. They go back. Virat goes to is room.
Karishma tells Patralekha that Sai is very lucky to have a loving husband like Virat. She says it was a fun party and she enjoyed dancing. Patralekha snubs her and tells her to sleep as she must be tried after so much dancing.

In the room, Virat is jealous of Sai’s closeness to Ajinkya. Sai asks him what is wrong with him. He says he noticed how she hugged all her friends, but touched his feet. She says she touched his feet out of respect. Sai says she hugged him too when she came to know of the surprise. Virat says does she think that he is old that she touched his feet and she says he is indeed getting old. Sai says his hair are greying. Virat asks is that why she doesn’t like him. Sai says it does not matter as she will stay in this house forever as his wife. Virat says whose wife will she be, if not his, that Ajinkya. Sai is taken aback to hear this.

Virat says after all they are so close, so maybe they have something going on as Ajinkya is her age, while he is older. He says he knows she doesn’t like him but he likes her. Virat says she is most special for him, but she confuses him as she has problem with everything he does. Sai says she doesn’t think so as he did so much for her birthday and gave her a diamond ring. Virat says at least she remembers about the ring. Sai says it was the wrong time as Ashwini called her then and she had to go, he could have given her the ring in their room.

Virat puts the ring on Sai’s finger. Patralekha is listening to their conversation and is shocked to hear all this. Virat says this ring is not just her birthday present. Sai says she is not comfortable taking such an expensive gift from him other than birthday present, as their relationship is not one of love, but just a deal. Virat says it just a birthday gift and she should not think too much. Virat is heartbroken. Sai thinks Virat can never give her a ring out of love.
Virat asks if she would always wear that ring and Sai says she will. Virat says she should wear even if he dies and Sai stops him. Virat says the day she returns this ring, everything will get over between them. Sai says things will never get over between them even when she leaves this house. Virat says he will never meet her if she ever left that house. Patralekha thinks Virat can never admit his mistakes.

UPCOMING STORY- Everyone is worried as Sai still has not come from College. Virat says he is so worried as Sai has taken Rs. Fifty thousand with her. Pakhi taunts that Money has also disappear

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