Perneet Chauhan: Spirituality to me is a journey to connect to your soul self

Saam Daam Dand Bhed actress Perneet Chauhan has shared her views on spirituality.
“Spirituality to me is a journey to connect to your soul self. It is a journey within not outside yourself. Yes, I would like to believe that I am spiritually inclined,” she said.
She believes in Law of cause and effect. “I am a strong believer of KARMA. Our thoughts, words and actions at every moment create our karam. So we create a cause and we will bear the effects. We can’t change what we did in the past, but we can definitely change our present and future. Do good, be kind. And the universe will reward you,” she said.
She shared that when she prayed with clear intentions, determination and faith the universe protected her. “Something when things don’t happen in the way we hoped. There is a blessing and protection in that as well. I have seen that in my life. If someone has wronged me I have seen them come back changed with feelings of remorse,” she said.
She chants every single day. “It gives me inner strength to deal with the harsh realities of life. I have started and intend to meditate regularly (fingers crossed). I want to continue to visit animal shelters and help in whatever way I can. Spending time with these animals gives me immense peace,” she said.
She follows Nicherin Diashonin’s Buddhism. “We chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-kyo. It’s a spiritual philosophy that believes that all of us have the Buddha within us. We just need to believe and bring out our highest potential,” she said.
For her, the epitome of a spiritual person is her mentor Dr. Diasaku Ikeda. “He constantly guides us to believe in our own potential. Our own inner transformation can not only help change our life but also shape the destiny of humankind,” she said.
The pandemic has definitely made her deepen her spiritual practice and work more on herself to stay strong and positive. As for the philosophy of her life, she said, “Live like the LOTUS flower.. at ease, in muddy water.”
According to her, real genuine human bonds bring a sense of true happiness and peace within. “Money, a house, an expensive flashy car, a watch, luxury bag will never bring true happiness unless you have real people around to share and care,” she said.