Molkki 7 July 2021 Written Update – Virender insults Prakashi

At the beginning of the episode, Virender gives a flight ticket to Shakshi and tells her to get lost from this house I don’t want to see your face anymore. Shakshi says how easily you are telling me to go from here and all this is because of Purvi. Virender says to whom you are blaming for everything is having a golden heart and she is not selfish like you. Virender says you are not my Shashi and I think my Shakshi died in that accident 5 years back. Shakshi apologies to Purvi and went off from there.

Purvi hugs Virender and their eyes become wet. Shakshi was slowly moving outside the house while recalling all the past memories spent with Virender and kid’s over there. Shakshi says I am leaving this house forever and went off from there.

Prakashi saw Virender sitting on the sofa and ask why you bar sitting here early morning. Prakashi asked where is Shakshi? Virender said, she went off and today it’s someone’s else turn to go from this house. Anjali whispers into Prakashi’s ears that today Purvi would be leaving this house. Suddenly servants came with bags and Anjali says this is my bag and why it’s here. Prakashi asked Virender that what you are trying to do and it was Purvi turn to go out of this house.

Virender shouted at her and says you betrayed me and you kept Shakshi under your trap for 5 year’s and you tried to snatch my property. Virender scolds Anjali for manipulating everyone against each other and making all the relations weaker. Virender told them I won’t forgive you so get lost from this house. Purvi convince Virender to forgive them but Virender told her they didn’t think about me so why I would think for them. Virender says ruler will be equal from everyone and according to that you both get lost from here.

Prakashi says just remember this date because I would take revenge for my insult surely and I would turn everything into ash. After they left hugs Virender. Later kids ask Virneder about other family members. Virender told them they went for “Tirthyatra”. After they left Virneder acknowledged Puvri that I have taken the property papers from Prakashi’s room with the help of Shakshi and arranged new bonds.

Prakashi was telling Anjali that after meeting with a lawyer I would snatch all the property from Virender. People were gossiping about them that how Virender threw them out of the house.

The next morning Purvi came to wake Virender and dips his finger into hot tea. Virender hurriedly woke up. Purvi request Virneder that before a new start we should arrange a Puja for the peace of this house. Virender agrees with her. Prakashi went to the lawyer and there she gets furious after knowing that Shakshi named all the property in the kid’s name.