Namak Issk ka 1 July 2021 Written Update – The Lawyer opened all the secrets

At the beginning of the episode, Chamcham was cooking in the kitchen and Rupa came to help her but Chamcham told her to rest down I will manage. Rupa says now I have to distract myself as life has given me so much loneliness. Saroj came to Rupa and apologized for not understanding her pain. Saroj told Chamcham I am also with you in this fight for justice and u will also go with you to meet the lawyer. Saroj asked where we have to go. Chamcham told her you will come along with me then you will get to know about the address. Irawati was overhearing their conversation and thought she didn’t reveal the address but I will not give up.

Chamcham was wondering how Saroj and Irawati easily got convinced so she prays to God for giving an indication after that I will proceed without any fear. Chamchant was leaving suddenly she found a half-burnt photo of Bheeshan Singh and figured out that this was in Ravikanth’s room so there might be any relationship with him.

All were read to go with Chamcham to meet the lawyer. Chamcham was very much confused and was trying to figure out why Irawati and Saroj changed her mind. While coming downstairs Chamcham intensionally fell down and pretend in much pain so Yug told her to rest we all will go. Rupa says I will stay with her.

Ravikanth was thinking that I have to save Chamcham’s mother and sister anyhow from Irawati’s trap. Suddenly Chamcham came to him and asked about Bheeshan Singh by showing his photo. Ravikanth tried to hide but Chamcham insisted him to reveal about him. Chamcham emotionally convinces him to get to know about the lawyer. Ravikanth told her I am helpless. Chamcham says it’s good you remain that only and never try to become a father.

Yug and Saroj went to the lawyer’s house and Irawati excuses from there by saying that I am getting an urgent call. Chamcham called Bheeshan Singh and ask him to do you know Irawati and Ravikant? The lawyer asked what relationship you are having with them. Chamcham told him to come to meet me we will talk face to face.

Irawati thought I won’t come in front of the lawyer but I will keep an eye on you. The lawyer come to meet Chamcham and told her you have to tell me the truth that what relationship you have with Irawati and Ravikant then only I will fight this case for you. Chamcham told her I am Ravikanth’s daughter. Chamcham acknowledged him about her past relationships with them.

Bheeshan Singh tells Chamcham that how he Irawati tried to kilk Ravikanth. Chamcham was shocked to know that Irawati is responsible for Ravikanth’s condition. Then he told her you were having a sister too. Chamcham was getting shocked to know all the past truth. The lawyer told her Irawati was a street dance then your father got in love with Irawati, I tried to bring him back on track but Irawati spoiled my life. Chamcham gets to know that Nishikant was too present in the car that day.

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